JATC2017 Electromagnetic Solutions for e-Mobility and Connected Vehicles


ガソリン車から電気自動車へと変化を遂げている自動車において、車両動力を電気とするe-モビリティに対するシミュレーション需要が高まっています。本講演では海外事例を中心に弊社FEKO およびFluxを用いたe- モビリティ関連解析事例をご紹介します。
Electrified, connected, autonomous and shared are four mobility megatrends having game-changing effects on the automotive and transportation market. These trends are like to drive more change during the next decade than over the last four decades.
This presentation will explain how Altair's electromagnetic simulation solutions are helping customers to solve design and validation challenges related to: (a) wireless power transfer systems, electric motors and electromagnetic compatibility aspects for e-Mobility, and (b) communication modules design and virtual drive tests to reduce the costs and time of the extensive road tests being done to study and
analyze new connected vehicle functions.
